OpenPilot OPLINK MINI CC3D REVO Universal Transceiver TX RX Module Integrating Remote Controller

The OPLink is a radio transceiver backed by an ARM32 powered digital packet processor specifically designed for the OpenPilot project, it was originally developed under the codename: PipXtreme and there are many artifacts that still reflect this.
It is a two-way radio system allowing real time telemetry information for the Ground Control Station, Wireless Configuration and even radio control from your transmitter over a single communications link.
You will need two OPLink radios to establish a connection between the vehicle and ground station. Note that the Revolution board has an OPLink built into the flight controller.
The same firmware version must be running in Revo and OPLM devices (i.e. if you upgrade one board, you will need to upgrade all others that are 'bound' together).
First time use with OPLM
When you first try to use your OPLM with the GCS, it will not be automatically picked up by the GCS.
You first need to go into the 'Firmware' tab and click 'Upgrade & Erase' while the OPLink is disconnected.
Then plug in OPLink when the upgrade process asks for it. Once this has been done, your OPLM board will show up at the bottom of your GCS as a connected device.
The configuration page icon at the bottom of the page icon list may be hidden without scrolling down, depending on the size of your computer screen.
OPLink Mini:
100mW Standalone Radio Modem
3 IO Ports: Micro-B USB, Mainport & Flexiport
MMCX Antenna Connector.
Weight: 4g
Dimensions: 20mm x 29mm
Input Voltage: 5v
Package included:
1 x Oplink Mini Transceiver Module with case
2 x connection cable
1 x 4pin cable